5 Natural Ways to Overcome Drug Addiction

Addiction is sometimes difficult to overcome but surely not impossible. Let alone the standard conventional treatments, you can always follow an alternative approach to beat addiction. The first step to beat this problem is to admit that there is no problem at all. Drug addiction has no fixed explanation. You may be addicted to drugs due to reasons like curiosity, peer pressure, or escaping emotional problems.
Navjeevan is one of the Best Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Patiala (Nasha Mukti Centre), changing the lives of people struggling from substance/alcohol addiction.

Here are a few ways you could overcome addiction naturally.

Motivate Yourself

The biggest step toward recovery is when you finally decide to change yourself. It is normal to be uncertain or confused about whether you are ready for it or not. Recovery requires time, motivation, and support. The only person who could help you overcome the web of addiction is YOU. Avoid returning to the people or places that take you to your previous life and never be afraid to seek help from friends or family.


Meditation promotes relaxation and provides clarity of thought.  People who regularly practice Meditation stop engaging in drug activities. The effectiveness of the change depends on the duration of practice. The longer the individual indulges in meditation, the stronger are the changes.

Practice Yoga

In yoga, physical postures help to connect the body and mind. This technique uses certain breathing exercises. Yoga helps an individual to gain self-awareness, breaks the stress-cycle, addictive behavior, and negative emotions. Practicing the elements of yoga at any point in the vicious cycle of substance abuse can help increase concentration, enhance emotion regulation, and facilitate spiritual growth through self-observation.

Use Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture is a practice used in traditional Chinese medicine where they will insert thin needles through the skin to stimulate specific points on the body. Acupuncture increases the levels of epinephrine, endorphin, serotonin, and dopamine in the CNS and plasma that might mediate substance abuse. It heightens the sense of relaxation and makes it an excellent therapy to overcome addiction.

Go For a Massage Therapy

Body massage helps in overcoming addiction and in controlling withdrawal symptoms. Massages relax body and mind, improve circulation, and give you immense energy. A study shows that massages can help to improve moods & reduces withdrawal symptom.

Final Thoughts

Developing a drug addiction isn’t a character flaw. It takes more than just willpower to overcome addiction & at times sobriety may seem impossible. However, recovery is still in your hands. With support and the right treatment, everything is possible.  If you or your loved one is suffering from alcohol or substance addiction, contact Navjeevan Rehabilitation Center Patiala.


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